How to Access from Kenya- Continue Making Money Online in Kenya

Since Kenyans got burned from working at in August 2012, there has been an outcry from many writers allover the country on how they can continue making online in Kenya. It was one of the least things we expected especially bearing the fact that Kenyans are amongst the best know writers worldwide. Reasons that led to the situation are still not clearly defined up to this day though some unconfirmed allegations state that writers from the regions around (Kenya, India, and some others) were spamming the website. This is what led us to begin researches on how to access from Kenya

Sincerely speaking the websites website has been a perfect make money online no scam platform in Kenya. I always got enthralled on its transparency when it comes to payment and rating, in few words, the site was and is still very reliable! If you are one of those people who care on building writer-client relationship, then you must have missed the high-paying-direct assignment gigs from your favorite clients. I also had to go thro it until an idea of how to access in Kenya propped up from my mind as I wanted to continue making money online in Kenya. 

I had to seek ways that will enable me continue making money online in Kenya no matter the "discrimination" if I may say so. I really don't like to use such a hard description of the situation but the reason I dear is because all accounts from our region were included in the basket of "bad" eggs. Believe me the explanation for burning Kenyans wasn't genuine which led me to right-away type “how to access from Kenya” only to get a discouragement of unrelated results. 

Arguably it’s like nobody ever did the research or maybe those who managed to get the trick decided to keep to them selves and have a lions from less completion. I was likewise tempted to keep to myself but I realized the saying, a hand that gives is the that receives therefore decided to share my how to access from Kenya trick. Nevertheless for those down there in India, you can as well continue to make money online with the trick as it can be applied from any where. 

Follow the steps below on how to access in Kenya. 
1. Clear you current browser history or any previous iwriter data
2. Remove any Urls, address and iWriter related links completely
3. Download a new desk top opera browser(you can get it free)
4. Ensure the Opera browser has TURBO button
5. After successful download, put TURBO on and type on the search area and login into your account. 

If you can't access it immediately, wait until your data consumption rate is at 100(s) of Kbs(kilo bites per second.) Bear in mind, the turbo button must always be on so as to increase access speed. It could also be an added advantage once you have high speed machine and modem. I have approved this how to access from Kenya trick and it is working. Nevertheless I have another one in store in case this doesn't meet you requirements, don't worry, as long as you get the info, you can continue making money online from Kenya! Big time. 
