Finally: Write more Articles and Overcome Procrastination, this is How

Procrastination is the greatest enemy of writers. In fact almost every writer madly fights this enemy, needless to say it's a non-healable "disease". As a writer, not once or twice have I fall into procrastination... It's countless times. And this led to enormous time-gaps between which I posted new articles on the various blog-sites I own.

Procrastination comes in different ways, sometimes; like fear of failure, fear of poor grammar or even fear of losing your credibility on a topic you are not sure of. In other occasions it may come in a form of always wanting to postpone writing, .

You can have some cool article-titles but a sort of fear just emanates from no where and you begin to worry about where to get a big audience. Or again, you can begin to think that the subject may not be that interesting to folks. All these are writer's blocks we need to overcome.

I have been there and still fall into it sometimes but this one-simple-but-effective-trick has helped me write more articles. My Secrete is; WRITER TO HELP ONLY ONE READER. It's trues my articles have been read by tens of thousands, but for the sake of productivity, I assume that am writing for one reader.

Again, I always believe my reader is waiting for fresher content so I feel obliged to meet this expectation. See, when you do anything for the sake of helping someone the consistency of the act becomes automatic every-time you remember it.

In fact, when it comes to realistic thinking, a writer's productivity should be consistent, this is because we simply writer for our audiences' benefit. It's an obligation you ought to meet so don't let your mind enjoy the comfort of procrastination for long. Simply create some sort of "pressure" in yourself to meet your readers appetite for fresher, high quality and important content.
