Cyber Security is now Everybody’s Problem: Tips to Combat this Menace

The list of companies that continue to wail over cyber-attacks is lengthening with each daybreak, and you may not want your business to join in the list. Cyber security has become a major concern with even the top companies like eBay, Sony and Ashley Madison complaining of recent major data breaches from the now-wiser hackers. It’s rather unfortunate that cooperates, have to bear with the rising number of daily cyber-attacks. That is, over 2000 successful attacks every day, according to McAfee and Google current reports. This is why firms are seriously updating their cyber-attack counter game. Below are current ways to combat this issue:
Alertness to the insider threat
Research shows that some of the worst cyber-attacks may result from the emails received by employees in an organization. Hackers have upped their game, and will try as much as possible to make the links they sent through such mails to look friendlier and harmless. The email may seem as if it’s coming from a social media friend, relative or even another business associate, tempting the employees to click it, which obviously may leak out information. 

As such, firms ought to educate their employees to know cyber security is now everyone’s problem, especially when it comes to clicking any untrusted links in the emails. Besides that, the company’s IT experts should also monitor each computer remotely to ferret-out suspected employees that may jeopardize the security of the business, intentionally.

Tightening of systems security
A vigil eye should be kept, when it comes to systems monitoring. Firms ought to ensure they only have IT experts that move with time and modernity when enhancing cyber-security in their systems. That means, updating malware defense, installing complicated passwords on servers and on the major computer database, encryption of delicate information and patching of vulnerable bugs. The Chief Information Officer should also ensure vigorous filtering of inside and outside email communications in the organization. 

Mobile phones and other gadgets
With the current trend of attacks on private information, there is no need to trust anyone, including your employees when around or inside the critical data systems room. Apart from restricts on entry to such zones, there are machines and software that can help to automatically switch off someone’s mobile device when accessing such rooms. Important company devises also can be remotely wiped off completely in case they get into the wrong hands or get lost. 

Inviting expert and professional advice
Cyber security is an ever-evolving matter, and it’s important to always have up-to-date professional advice concerning it. In fact, it’s worth spending more money on areas most prone to attacks to ensure the company is not wasting resources on what doesn’t really matter. However, that is only achievable with staying in touch with experts.

From ensuring all the company systems possess valid network security certificates, proper antivirus and firewall software, to training of employees, it’s now obvious that extra measures should be put into place to combat these cyber security menaces. Having a special crew of experts frequently monitory a company’s cyber-well-being may be the only future for larger business, companies or even institutions. 
